Staying Safe During COVID19
During the COVID-19 pandemic and under the guidance to physically distance and isolate, women and children are at a greater risk of experiencing abuse, particularly at home. Stop VAW and all its members have a responsibility to ensure all programs, services, and resources continue to be accessible and available to ensure women and their children can remain as safe as possible during this time.
Click Here to see updated information about how to stay safe and the availability of services each member agency has to offer during this pandemic.
Safety and Emergency Planning
Safety plans are unique plans that can be used to minimize harm to people living in situations where they are at risk for abuse. There are people available to help: Family Service Perth Huron VAW Services (519-273-1020), Optimism Place (519-271-5550), Victim Services Bruce Grey Perth (1-866-376-9852)
myPlan Canada is a free app to help you with your safety and well-being if you have experienced abuse from current or past spouse, partner, boy/girlfriend. It’s private, secure, personalized, & backed by research. For more information and to access the app click here:
Some Tips
- Inform close friends or neighbours of the abuse going on. One way is to create a “code word” that when used in a call lets them know you are in danger.
- Keep a copy of important documents (passports, birth certificates, driver’s license, banking information, legal documents) in case it’s needed. If not trusted in the home, consider keeping these with a trusted person.
- Plan where to stay in case of an emergency. Check in with your support system (whether it’s friends or a local shelter) just in case.
Information for Service Providers
Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children | |
1-519-661-4040 |
1137 Western Rd., Room 1118, Faculty of Education Building, Western University, London |
Services: Serves local, national, and international communities by producing useful information and tools to assist daily work to prevent and stop violence against women and children. Provides educational opportunities for service providers. Does not provide any counselling services for victims of violence against women. |
Responding to Violence in Clinical Settings Education
Services: is a free online source for evidence-based, interactive curricula on intimate partner abuse and sexual violence. |
Stop Violence Against Women (VAW) Coordinating Committee of Perth County
Email: [email protected] |
1-519-273-1020 |
Services: The Stop VAW Committee of Perth County is a community-based committee that responds to violence against women by developing prevention strategies for violence against women in Perth County. The committee shares information and conducts outreach activities to educate the public and raise awareness about violence against women. |